Today's Update: Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024

Dear Student Life team,

Happy High Five Friday. 

Last week, you’ll remember that I gave High Fives to all the people specifically mentioned in the Graduation Survey as having “the most significant influence” on our new grads. The survey administered by the Center for the Study of Student Life had another write-in question: "List other Ohio State services that were helpful in supporting your academics." Student Life departments were named more than 300 times, so High Fives for making a significant difference in the lives of our students to Buckeye Careers, Buckeye Food Alliance, Center for Belonging and Social Change, Counseling and Consultation Service, Handshake, Housing and Residence Education, Off-Campus and Commuter Student Engagement, Recreational Sports, Student Advocacy Center, Student Employee Experience, Student Life Disability Services (with by far the most mentions), STEP, Student Health Services and the Younkin Success Center. 

You know I love it when our departments are Scarlet and Grateful to each other for the work and support they offer. We have several like that this week, and I’m happy to add my High Fives to them all.  

Counseling and Consultation recently held two days of planning meetings in the Ohio Union and wants a High Five to Jeff Pelletier and team for being “great hosts.”   

Sorority and Fraternity Life has a High Five for Student Conduct for joining them on their annual partnership retreat, saying, “We value and appreciate your time and commitment to the SFL community!” 

A colleague suggests a High Five for Nathan May of Student Life Technology Services for “always being so quick to offer solutions and help when needed on projects related to MyShares.”

In the same department, another colleague has a High Five to Sean Miller “for being the most responsive and kindest colleague. He may be the fastest, too. He recently completed a technology purchase request in less than an hour from when the ticket was submitted to when the item was delivered.” 

High Five to Jennifer Chilman of Buckeye Careers for presenting at the National Veterans Leadership Foundation 2024 Advancement Institute on cultivating employer partnerships in support of veteran and military-connected students.  

Several people helped facilitate the Get Involved sessions at Orientation all summer, in addition to presenting at several admissions events this month. High Fives to Kala Coyan-McClure, Teri Cugliari, Tom Reeves, Cassie Smith and Alex Thomas for volunteering their evenings to facilitate sessions serving thousands of eager incoming students. An extra shout-out goes to Alex and Tom for going above and beyond to cover extra sessions when scheduling challenges arose. 

Another High Five to Kala Coyan-McClure for facilitating a workshop for the Student Health Services leadership team. Along with Anna Wagner, they made learning how to be more effective managers both enjoyable and enriching.  

Finally, this High Five comes via a parent, who writes to say that he reached out to Housing and Residence Education’s Ethan Oldfield for help regarding his daughter’s room assignment. Here is what he said, “Ethan’s level of care and service has been outstanding!!  His emails have been detailed, provided assurance, offered advice on where to purchase some items, gave us guidance on configuration and even went to the room to measure the window. ABOVE AND BEYOND SERVICE FOR SURE!!!! As a parent of our 1st college student, he certainly calmed our nerves during this very crazy and exciting time!” 

Have a Scarlet and Great weekend!  


Melissa S. Shivers, PhD        
Senior Vice President for Student Life         
The Ohio State University