
The Office of Student Life welcomes you to The Ohio State University!

Whether you are beginning your college career here at Ohio State’s Columbus campus, making a campus change, transferring from another institution, or resuming your college career after some time away, we are thrilled that you’re part of the Buckeye community!

If you’re looking for information about scheduling an orientation date, the agenda for the orientation program, or other details related to the academic elements coordinated by the Office of the First-Year Experience, head to the University Orientation website.

Departments in the Office of Student Life have pages on their websites to provide important information to new, incoming students. Links to these pages and a few other key resources highlighted in Student Life Orientation sessions can be found here:

Below, you’ll find videos to help you get acclimated to different aspects of life outside the classroom at Ohio State.

Orientation Videos

Get Involved Scheduling


Discover tips for getting involved and scheduling your time.
Welcome Week

Welcome Week

Preview the start of autumn semester at Ohio State!
Getting Involved

Getting Involved

Hear from a few of Ohio State’s student organizations.


Get advice about managing change, including roommates, homesickness and dealing with stress.
Being A Smart Spender

Being a Smart Spender

Learn about the importance of creating a spending plan and distinguishing between needs and wants.
Students walking toward blue emergency light


Find out more about resources and how to keep yourself and fellow Buckeyes safe.
Alcohol and Sexual Violence

Alcohol and Sexual Violence

Everyone in our community has a role to play in preventing sexual violence.
Culture of Care

Culture of Care

The Ohio State community surrounds you with support when things get difficult.
Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

Get an overview of campus dining at Ohio State.
Community Membership

Community Membership

Being a Buckeye means more than just wearing Scarlet and Gray.
Navigating Campus

Navigating Campus

Find out more about getting around campus and exploring the city.
Picture of Dr. Shivers

Greeting from Dr. Shivers

Our Senior Vice President for Student Life welcomes you!