Today's Update: Friday, May 24, 2024

May 24, 2024

Dear Student Life team,

Happy High Five Friday.

High Five to Adrienne Gladish and her amazing staff for their help moving pallets with Orientation materials and for their help delivering marketing materials to numerous Student Life buildings. 

Dan Hausman and Dave Isaacs get High Fives for handling a major issue this week and a series of important email messages through our mass mailing system. They cheerfully deal with whatever is thrown their way. 

High Five to Madi Barnes and Meagen Rinard for securing a $6000 grant for community and civic engagement work.  

The Buckeye Leadership Fellows (BLF) team gets a High Five for a successful trip to New York City where they volunteered at the NYC alumni society annual golf outing, met with the largest group of alumni they’ve ever had at a BLF alumni event and met with new friends of the program. 

I hope to see you next week at our annual O-H! What a Celebration event. It’s next Wednesday, May 29, from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Ohio Stadium. We’ll have music, food, photo ops and self-guided tours of the ‘Shoe.  

Have a Scarlet and Great, and safe, Memorial Day weekend. 


Melissa S. Shivers, PhD 
Senior Vice President for Student Life  
The Ohio State University