Today's Update: Friday, March 14, 2025
March 14, 2025
Dear Student Life team,
Happy High Five Friday.
I hope you have had a good Spring Break and managed a little time to refresh and recharge before we head into the home stretch of the semester.
Student Life Marketing’s Aisha Echols gets a High Five for being selected to receive the Excellence in Collaboration Award from BuckeyeThon. This award will be presented at the upcoming end-of-year banquet and honors her years of dedicated service and collaboration across BuckeyeThon’s initiatives.
High Five to the Buckeye Careers team and the Younkin student employees for sorting through several bins of clothing donations during Spring Break for the Reid Family Career Closet. A special High Five to Kristen Hill for leading this effort and making it fun by providing lunch, streaming a movie and building community by paying it forward.
High Five to the staff at RPAC for hosting a very successful recent Special Olympics event.
Student Conduct’s Kirby Bell and Abby Richard get High Fives for spending a day last week with high school students in Dublin talking about the Code of Student Conduct and what to expect when they come to college. Kirby and Abby met with four different groups of students in Dublin’s International Baccalaureate program and had a great day connecting with many potential new Buckeyes.
High Five to Student Conduct’s Nicholas La Torre and Lacey Gosnell for creating a guide on how to write and submit an incident report to Student Conduct.
Have a Scarlet and Great weekend, and Go Bucks!
Melissa S. Shivers, PhD
Senior Vice President for Student Life
The Ohio State University