Today's Update: Friday, June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024

Dear Student Life team, 

Happy High Five Friday. 

You know I think it’s wonderful when people from outside units recognize how Scarlet and Great our team members are. Someone from the Department of Public Safety recently sent along a compliment regarding our third shift Facilities Operations supervisor, Adam Cutright, saying that Adam has “been a good partner to work with and responds quickly to help keep buildings safe and secure.”  DPS reports that they are grateful to Adam for the dedicated service he provides for our residents. High Five, Adam! 

High Fives to Tyler Wynkoop and Josh Bodnar from Buck ID, and Elijah Balogh from Housing and Residence Education, for assisting one of our NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program scholars navigate a lost keycard and being persistent about his re-activation adventure. 

Alice Ryan gets a High Five for for being such an expert on Rec Sports data and pulling a lot of information really quickly for a recent request. 

High Five to Micky Sharma for being featured in the latest edition of the magazine Mahogany. His profile is on pages 50-51.  

D’Arcy Oaks gets a High Five for organizing a Lincoln Tower 8th floor potluck to foster a sense of community.   

I love this next story. High Five to Dining’s Brian Olmstead at Union Market. Here is what a Student Life team member sent in: “I stopped by the Union Market to pick up lunch to take back to my office.  It had just opened, and Brian was greeting everyone who entered and asking if he could be of assistance.  As I stood looking lost for a moment, Brain asked if he could help me – which I needed. While I was waiting for my item, he asked if I had questions about the operations or food, and as I thanked him for his kindness, he explained  this is a key time for both students and families, and it’s important to greet them and help ensure they are comfortable with the Market operations, food and any other concerns they have as they begin their student experience. What a ‘Scarlet and Great’ way to welcome new students/families and all to the Union Market!”  

Next week is the Fourth of July, and with a number of people taking time off the following week, we won’t have High Five messages for the next two Fridays. I’m counting on you to keep sending me nominations so we can celebrate all the successes of our Student Life team.  

Have a Scarlet and Great, and safe, weekend and holiday!  


Melissa S. Shivers, PhD     
Senior Vice President for Student Life      
The Ohio State University