Today's Update: Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21, 2024

Dear Student Life team, 

Happy High Five Friday. 

This heat wave prompts our first High Five of the week. The Center for the Study of Student Life is Scarlet and Grateful to John Cronin for coming up with a few fans to help cool their offices within an hour of being asked. 

Another High Five to John Cronin for leading the team that will remove, replace and reinstall all student room furniture in around 350 student rooms annually, which equates to around 3,000 pieces of furniture along with other summer turn related work. 

High Fives to Tom Roush, Chris Wandel and Levi Lynch for leading the heating/air conditioning preventative maintenance for Student Life buildings with help from other team members supporting them including some Dining Services staff. 

Tara Nord in Buckeye Careers gets a High Five for her proactive planning of the autumn Career and Internship Fair. The event is well on track to be a huge success because of Tara’s organization and vision. 

High Five to Isabel Biasella in the Senior Vice President’s office for her positive attitude and willingness to answer any question that comes through the door. Isabel always greets everyone with a smile and often goes the extra mile (literally) to walk people somewhere in the Union that they cannot find. 

A colleague nominates Debbie Wakefield in Marketing and Communications for a High Five for being such a great partner who always comes to meetings prepared with insightful questions and ideas. High Five to the entire BuckID staff for their ongoing support of getting all of our new, first-year students BuckIDs. The team recently reached a milestone of over 30% of all students on campus having new, card-tap technology BuckIDs.

Dining Services’ Executive Chef Roger Garland gets a High Five for innovating recipes and being willing to share. A staff member reached out in the spring to see if she could get a copy of his stellar butternut squash soup recipe, and I’m told that this has entered regular rotation in their home.  

Buckeye Careers is sharing the love with a High Five for Technology Services’ Dan Hausman, who has helped them master the Maestro mass emailing system. They’re grateful that he’s been attentive and thorough answering questions and fixing issues, as well as teaching some tricks.  

High Five to Counseling and Consultation Services Shawn Lucas, featured in an article in the new edition of the Ohio State Alumni Magazine. The headline says it all, “He just brings some peace to the room.”  

Have a Scarlet and Great weekend!  


Melissa S. Shivers, PhD    
Senior Vice President for Student Life     
The Ohio State University