Today's Update: Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14, 2024

Dear Student Life team,

Happy High Five Friday. 

I have lots of High Fives this week from team members for colleagues, but I’ll start with one for specifically helping me. High Fives to Robin Bolterman and Dan Hausman for rescuing me from some computer issues this week.  

High Five to Cassie Smith of the Ohio Union and Student Activities who did a very good job handling a difficult situation during an Orientation presentation. She was graceful and poised through it all.  

Aaron Moore, Mollie Workman and Tara Nord get High Fives for revamping and streamlining the Buckeye Careers workshop request process, making it more efficient and better able to prioritize incoming workshop requests.  

Aaron Moore gets a second Hive Five from a colleague who describes him as “a thoughtful partner in envisioning the possibilities for advancing staff well-being and learning heading into next academic year.” 

High Five to Tom Roush for helping on an issue with the Lincoln Low Rise elevator project, keeping the work on schedule with his knowledge and willingness to assist. 

Kirsten O’Dell and Kari Holtz get High Fives for their leadership on a summer project that involves revenue within Student Health Services. They have taken on a heavy workload in leading the team on this critical project.  Also, High Fives to Kyle Muchmore, Brandon Balandra and Tiffany Quattlebaum for their support in these efforts, along with the Revenue Cycle team, redeployed Dining staff and others in Student Health Services.  

High Five to Financial Management’s Hannah Warner for stepping up and seamlessly supporting a department with a vacancy.   

Student Life Marketing and Communications nominates Tiffany Quattlebaum and Erica Regan for High Fives, calling them, “great colleagues and always available for strategic conversations and their willingness to collaborate.” 

High Fives to Josh Bodnar, Travis Barnhart and Rachel Conners for working through a large Student Life-wide project.  

Eric Schutter gets a High Five for taking the Center for the Study of Student Life team on a tour of the RPAC, and John Price gets a High Five for giving Marketing and Communications a tour of the Esports Arena.  

High Fives to Housing and Residence Education’s Shantrice Bradley and Taylor Whittington for stepping up to showcase their Buckeye Blueprint to the department. Reports are they knocked it out of the park and provided other hall staff with confidence and direction. 

Nick Pangio gets a High Five on this, his last day with Recreational Sports, for all he’s done for our camps program, swim lessons and his leadership in reframing the BikeHub.   

Have a Scarlet and Great weekend.  


Melissa S. Shivers, PhD   
Senior Vice President for Student Life    
The Ohio State University