Today's Update: Friday, December 6, 2024
December 6, 2024
Ddear Student Life team,
Happy High Five Friday.
Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday’s Scarlet and Great Gathering, and special High Fives to everyone who brought clothes for the Career Closet, food for the food pantry or a toy to donate for students at United Schools Network Elementary schools in Columbus. The drive continues through Wednesday of next week and you can drop off donations at my office and at 600 Lincoln Tower. A wish list can be found online.
Our next Scarlet and Great Gathering is Monday, January 13, starting at 9:30 a.m. in the Ohio Union’s ballroom. It will be a special day because we will be honoring team members with significant years of service at Ohio State. I hope to see you there!
High Fives to Morgan Hammonds, D’Arcy Oaks and Jen Vandemark for their outstanding work as Buckeyes for Charity Ambassadors…and special thanks to all of you who donated and/or participated in our events to support our community. We surpassed the amount raised last year by 20.8%!
Holiday High Fives to Stacy Smith, Felix Alonso, Jason Scherer and Adrienne Gladish who worked together to offer a special experience over the Thanksgiving holiday for an Ohio State alumnus and his Buckeye-hopeful daughter. Special thanks to Abby Costello from the BuckeyeThon executive team for being an excellent tour guide!
Finally, we received a lovely message from the parent of a student in Lawrence Tower, full of complements on how our team has handled the entire situation, saying, “We’ve been incredibly satisfied with Ohio State’s management of this.” High Fives to everyone doing such a wonderful job helping manage a stressful situation.
Have a Scarlet and Great weekend, and as always, Go Bucks!
Melissa S. Shivers, PhD
Senior Vice President for Student Life
The Ohio State University